Nellie Philanthropy Foundation
Active Charitable Programs

The Mitzvah Morsels program ensures that there is a delivery point for consumable excess food from events so that it not only goes to people who need it but it also avoids the tremendous food waste these occasions produce.
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MotherFood International is a Canadian social enterprise dedicated to creating innovative ways to address malnutrition and poverty in the developing world. The key is with mothers. When a mother has poor nutrition before, during and after pregnancy, her child’s physical and cognitive development is irreversibly affected for life. One common outcome is stunting. Stunting occurs when a child is short for their age, and also suffers from severe immune deficiencies and cognitive impairments.
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Would you like to assist Motherfood in supporting its programs around the world? If so, please consider donating your Aeroplan points.
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Every child deserves a summer camp experience and while parents may have scraped together the needed funds to send their kids for a life changing summer camp experience, there may not be enough to cover the basic toiletry needs. This is where Nellie and Pharmaprix Quartier Cavendish come in.
Bare Necessities ensures that kids begin their camp experience with everything that all other campers have so she/he is not singled out. Our clients are not given specific products they are provided with credit to enable them to purchase supplies of their choosing just like any other camper.
Canadian Friends of Israel Hockey
The Canadian Friends of Israel Hockey was founded in Montreal in 1991 by David Lisbona and Larry Markowitz. Since its inception, the organization has sent hundreds of bags of ice hockey equipment to Israel and in the early nineties, published a newsletter entitled “The Hockey Shtick”.
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Community Shares
Through Community Shares, the NPF serves as the clearinghouse for smaller charities to enable them to take advantage of the donation of publicly traded shares. The NPF has opened brokerage accounts with every major brokerage firm in Canada thereby facilitating the transfer process. Under its objects, the NPF is able to transfer proceeds it receives to any “qualified donee” as defined under the Income Tax Act, which every registered charity must be. The NPF will ultimately distribute the funds to one or multiple charitable organizations unless there is a request for the securities to be retained.
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The Dara-Faith Retrofit Project has really made its mark during the pandemic. While all of our lives have moved online, there are many Montreal families who are don’t have the equipment to participate in our new world. That is where the Dara-Faith Retrofit Project comes in. This initiative refurbishes old desktops, laptops, tablets and cellphones and gives them to those who need them.
Montreal Jewish Genetic Disorders Fund (MJGDF)

One-in-five descendants of Eastern and Central European Jews carry some genetic mutation. It is now possible to identify these mutations with a simple blood test or saliva-test. If couples are both carriers of the same mutation and are aware, they have many reproductive options and can understand the implications of these options. The MJGDF is a volunteer-run organization.
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Originally known as Montreal Sock it to Me, this program was focused primarily on the November sock drive for St.Michael’s Mission. Now with your help, Stepping Up will continue to help those less fortunate at St.Michael’s Mission throughout the year. The year 2020 was an amazing year with a defibrillator being donated and a record November campaign of 24,776 pairs of socks along with two truckloads of new clothing making their way to St. Michael’s. Please help continue to make a difference.
Now I get it! - Demystifinance Seminar Series
Financial education is severely lacking among all age groups, we provide seminars on educational subjects ranging from investments, tax, business, economics, banking and entrepreneurship to enable the general public, both young and old, to truly understand concepts that are part of their everyday lives.
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Points To A Dream
The Canada Revenue Agency has determined that loyalty points have a value and thus can be gifted by a donor to a charity. Whereas the benefit of frequent flyer miles is obvious to charities that do a substantial amount of traveling, there are other “points” programs where essential supplies can be purchased with donated points. There are a variety of programs that enable donors to donate points. Should you be interested in donating your points to charity, please contact us.
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Strategic Purchasing Initiative (SPIn)
The Strategic Purchasing Initiative (SPIn) promotes a new level of collaboration between private and public companies. Our goal is to encourage the non-profit sector to work more closely with supermarkets to ensure that every charitable dollar purchases the greatest amount of food for those who need it most. This program is called the Strategic Purchasing Initiative (SPIn).
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Wish Procurement Program (WPP) and Gimme 5
As everyone knows that for items that are essential to a charitable organization, a donation of goods worth $5,000 is equivalent to receiving a cash donation of $5,000. Allow our Shoppers to go to work and find the items you need (new or used), all we need is your wish list.
Also, we invite all charities to provide us a list of the 5 most difficult items that are donated to them. This program focuses on the items that the charity needs but does not get donated.
Would you like to assist Nellie in supporting our programs both domestically and around the world? If so, please consider donating your Aeroplan points as we are an eligible recipient.