Where need is, we’ll be
Nellie Philanthropy Foundation
The NPF is a Montreal-based Canadian charitable public foundation, committed to making a difference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and around the world.
Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Number: 875106817RR0001
About us
We are a charity foundation that works for a better life of people
Our main focus is to provide help to those who are less fortunate, whether they are underprivileged children, the homeless, seniors, or pregnant and lactating women, to name a few, although we have many programs that target the general public as well.
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Nellie Foundation
Latest Charitable Programs
MotherFood International
MotherFood International is a Canadian social enterprise dedicated to creating innovative ways to address malnutrition and poverty in the developing world.
Build It Forward
Build It Forward emerged from the philanthropic siblings Kai (7) and Noa (13) of Cote St. Luc. Given the global pandemic due to Covid-19, where social distancing […]
Bare Necessities
Every child deserves a summer camp experience and while parents may have scraped together the needed funds to send their kids for a life changing […]